Ali Abdaal's Complete Productivity System

Plus: a few useful tools we found this week

Hey everyone, welcome back, I mean welcome to our first ever newsletter🥳🥳! Hopefully that joke hasn’t made you unsubscribe just yet. But today we will be analyzing the great Ali Abdaal, along with his productivity system for 2023. Ali is a productivity YouTuber and author who has amassed a following of almost 5 million subscribers over on his channel.

In this weeks newsletter- 

  • Deep dive into Ali Abdaal’s productivity system

  • Our cool sponsor: Zeabur 

  • And a few useful tools we found this week

Now lets get into it


Ali splits his system into 6 separate categories: coordinate, communicate, consume, capture, and create.

1. Coordinate

Ali starts off with these 3 apps in the coordination section: A calendar, project manager, and file management app. Now, everyone is different when it comes to the right productivity app for them. But, if you are wondering, these are the apps Ali uses coordination: Fantastical, Google Drive, and Todoist (personal)/Notion (work). Interestingly, he also uses a physical analogue productivity planner when the digital life gets overwhelming (which you can get here).

2. Communicate

Now I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time responding to online messages. Luckily, Ali put me on to a great all in one messaging app called Sadly there is a pretty long waitlist, but this is the app he uses for personal messaging. brings together all your messages into one, including Slack, iMessages, Instagram DM’s, and many more. Ali also uses Slack, as mentioned above, to communicate with his team for work purposes, along with Loom. Discord is also Ali’s choice for his free community for subscribers over on YouTube. And last but certainly not least: Superhuman. A premium email app that comes in at a hefty $30.00 a month (which I am sadly not able to afford).

3. Consume

By consume Ali does not mean doom scrolling on TikTok. He believes there are productive and intentional ways to consume useful information. One of which are podcast, which he uses Castro as his podcast listening app. When it comes to (kind of annoying) PDF’s, Ali uses an app called PDF Expert. Now Ali also uses a lot of reading apps (and I need to go to bed), so here they are: Kindle, iBooks, Instapaper, Shortform, and Audible.

4. Capture

Automatic Capture:

Being able to automatically capture stuff is great for a productivity system. Lower the friction the better. Ali uses an app called Readwise to automatically capture highlighted information from books that goes right into Notion.

Manual Capture:

For manual capture Ali uses the most underrated notes app (in my opinion ig): Apple Notes. Particularly for projects and useful personal information. Along with a digital journaling app called Day One, and if your into lifting weights, he uses an app called Strong to track work out data.

5. Create

As you can probably already tell, Ali is a pretty creative guy. But simply, his apps to get his creative projects done consist of only Notion, Google Docs, and Apple Notes. Notion for video related work, Google Docs for his book (Feel Good Productivity), and Apple notes for quick capturing ideas.


Ali Abdaal has a very complex system to suite his busy lifestyle (as you can probably tell from the amount of apps this man uses). But while it isn’t simple, it works for him, which at the end of the day is what matters most. So by no means do you need to go out and use all these apps. Figure out works for you in your system. Hope you enjoyed.


Even though this is only our first newsletter edition, I am happy to announce todays sponsor - Zeabur.

Zeabur is a platform that helps developers deploy their service with one click.

No matter what programming language or framework is used. Go give them a look here, looks like a very well put together SaaS.

Productivity Tools of The Week An time tracker on Mac and Windows to see how you are spending you’re time.

one sec- Delay unproductive apps and websites.

Omnivore- A simple read it later app available on all Apple products.

Thanks for reading our first edition of the newsletter this week. Appreciate all the support we have been getting through Productive Stack (never stopping you from giving us a referral). Productive Stack out.